Contact Us

We want to hear from you. You may contact us 24 hours a day. Your questions, inquiries and feedback help us shape a healthier future for
our community.

Need to schedule an appointment?

You may contact us 24 hours a day.
Click below or call 813-397-5300

Models of Healthcare

Medical Records

If you need to fax medical records, please use:
(813) 738-9011

All Other Inquiries

Whether you have media inquiries, want to explore partnership opportunities, or have questions about supporting our mission through donations to the TFHC Foundation, you'll find the relevant contact information below: 
Customer Service:

Media Inquiries

Partnership and Outreach Inquiries

Foundation and Donation Inquiries

Please provide your complete contact information if you require a response to your inquiry. We are committed to promptly addressing your questions and requests, and you can expect to hear from us within 48 hours.
You may contact our President & CEO, Sherry Hoback at